In Memoriam: Eef van Leeuwen: lived 100 years in 72 years

After a short illness, Eef died at home in Haarlo at the age of 72.

These were grueling weeks, in which great sadness and shock were replaced by hope, only to end in great sadness again. Eef died peacefully and completely naturally at home in the presence of her son (Sanne) and daughter (Floor). It is unreal and unbelievable that she is no longer among the living, she leaves a big hole. We will light a candle for her next month next to her photo on that part of the farm. Her energy remains. Her body is buried at the Schapenmeer natural cemetery in Vorden, where she lies next to a small lake at the foot of a beautiful oak tree.

Frits will continue the Erve in line with the ideas that Eef has established over the past 40 years.

Warm and hospitable greetings,

Frits & Henk

Erve Veldink